Non-Trucking Liability(NTL) Coverage

Non-trucking Liability (NTL) Insurance provides coverage for a commercial vehicle while that vehicle is not loaded or under dispatch, including the return trip to the original point of garage or dispatch whichever comes first.

NTL photo

TCB Insurance Programs

TCB Insurance Programs provides fast, competitive quotes on Non-
Trucking Liability Insurance.

Limits Available

$1,000,000 CSL, includes $50,000 UM/UIM coverage
$500,000 CSL, includes $50,000 UM/UIM coverage

To get your quote for Non-Trucking Liability Insurance Coverage, please complete our quick quote sheet, located under the forms tab, and e-mail to Thom Bradshaw at


Requirements for Non-Trucking Insurance

•   Rates based on the risk having a 30% or better loss ratio last 3 years
•   All Drivers of 25 years or older with at least 2 years commercial driving experience.
•   No more that 3 minor violations.
•   No major violations.
•   Not more than one chargeable accident in the last 3 years.

**We can write risks that fall outside of these guidelines.  Please submit for rating.


NTL Insurance – Additional Information

Here’s an illustration to help make the concept of Non-Trucking Liability a little clearer:

The point where the 2 circles intersect represents the original point of dispatch.

The lower, larger circle represents the “Trucking” portion of a commercial vehicle’s activity that would be covered by the Primary Auto Liability Policy. The unit departs the original point of dispatch and proceeds to pickup and deliver a load or loads throughout the course of the trip. This unit is covered under the Motor Carriers policy for the entirety of this trip until it has returned to the original point of dispatch regardless of whether the unit is carrying freight or not.

The smaller circle represents the “Non-Trucking” portion of the activity. The Non-Trucking exposure begins at the point that the unit has returned to its original point of dispatch and has been released from duty by the Motor Carrier, and it ends at the point that the unit is placed back in service by the Motor Carrier.

Contact TCB

PO BOX 100
Monticello, IN 47960

(P) (574) 583-8661
(F) (866) 763-6576

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